Source code for kq.queue

import logging
import time
import uuid
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union

import dill
from kafka import KafkaProducer

from kq.job import Job
from kq.utils import (

class EnqueueSpec:
    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(
        topic: str,
        producer: KafkaProducer,
        serializer: Callable[[Any], bytes],
        logger: logging.Logger,
        timeout: Union[float, int],
        key: Optional[bytes],
        partition: Optional[int],
        assert is_number(timeout), "timeout must be an int or float"
        assert is_none_or_bytes(key), "key must be a bytes"
        assert is_none_or_int(partition), "partition must be an int"

        self._topic = topic
        self._producer = producer
        self._serializer = serializer
        self._logger = logger
        self._timeout = timeout
        self._key = key
        self._partition = partition

    def enqueue(
        self, obj: Union[Callable[..., Any], Job], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Job:
        """Enqueue a function call or :doc:`job` instance.

        :param obj: Function or :doc:`job <job>`. Must be serializable and
            importable by :doc:`worker <worker>` processes.
        :type obj: callable | :doc:`kq.Job <job>`
        :param args: Positional arguments for the function. Ignored if **func**
            is a :doc:`job <job>` object.
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for the function. Ignored if **func**
            is a :doc:`job <job>` object.
        :return: Enqueued job.
        :rtype: :doc:`kq.Job <job>`
        timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)

        if isinstance(obj, Job):
            if is None:
                job_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
                assert is_str(, " must be a str"
                job_id =

            if obj.args is None:
                args = tuple()
                assert is_seq(obj.args), "Job.args must be a list or tuple"
                args = tuple(obj.args)

            assert callable(obj.func), "Job.func must be a callable"

            func = obj.func
            kwargs = {} if obj.kwargs is None else obj.kwargs
            timeout = self._timeout if obj.timeout is None else obj.timeout
            key = self._key if obj.key is None else obj.key
            part = self._partition if obj.partition is None else obj.partition

            assert is_dict(kwargs), "Job.kwargs must be a dict"
            assert is_number(timeout), "Job.timeout must be an int or float"
            assert is_none_or_bytes(key), "Job.key must be a bytes"
            assert is_none_or_int(part), "Job.partition must be an int"
            assert callable(obj), "first argument must be a callable"
            job_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
            func = obj
            args = args
            kwargs = kwargs
            timeout = self._timeout
            key = self._key
            part = self._partition

        job = Job(
        )"Enqueueing {job} ...")
            key=self._serializer(key) if key else None,
        return job

[docs]class Queue: """Enqueues function calls in Kafka topics as :doc:`jobs <job>`. :param topic: Name of the Kafka topic. :type topic: str :param producer: Kafka producer instance. For more details on producers, refer to kafka-python's `documentation <>`_. :type producer: kafka.KafkaProducer_ :param serializer: Callable which takes a :doc:`job <job>` namedtuple and returns a serialized byte string. If not set, ``dill.dumps`` is used by default. See :doc:`here <serializer>` for more details. :type serializer: callable :param timeout: Default job timeout threshold in seconds. If left at 0 (default), jobs run until completion. This value can be overridden when enqueueing jobs. :type timeout: int | float :param logger: Logger for recording queue activities. If not set, logger named ``kq.queue`` is used with default settings (you need to define your own formatters and handlers). See :doc:`here <logging>` for more details. :type logger: logging.Logger **Example:** .. testcode:: import requests from kafka import KafkaProducer from kq import Queue # Set up a Kafka producer. producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='') # Set up a queue. queue = Queue(topic='topic', producer=producer, timeout=3600) # Enqueue a function call. job = queue.enqueue(requests.get, '') .. _kafka.KafkaProducer: """ def __init__( self, topic: str, producer: KafkaProducer, serializer: Optional[Callable[..., bytes]] = None, timeout: int = 0, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, ) -> None: assert is_str(topic), "topic must be a str" assert isinstance(producer, KafkaProducer), "bad producer instance" assert is_none_or_func(serializer), "serializer must be a callable" assert is_number(timeout), "timeout must be an int or float" assert timeout >= 0, "timeout must be 0 or greater" assert is_none_or_logger(logger), "bad logger instance" self._topic = topic self._hosts: str = producer.config["bootstrap_servers"] self._producer = producer self._serializer = serializer or dill.dumps self._timeout = timeout self._logger = logger or logging.getLogger("kq.queue") self._default_enqueue_spec = EnqueueSpec( topic=self._topic, producer=self._producer, serializer=self._serializer, logger=self._logger, timeout=self._timeout, key=None, partition=None, ) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return the string representation of the queue. :return: String representation of the queue. :rtype: str """ return f"Queue(hosts={self._hosts}, topic={self._topic})" def __del__(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover # noinspection PyBroadException try: self._producer.close() except Exception: pass @property def hosts(self) -> str: """Return comma-separated Kafka hosts and ports string. :return: Comma-separated Kafka hosts and ports. :rtype: str """ return self._hosts @property def topic(self) -> str: """Return the name of the Kafka topic. :return: Name of the Kafka topic. :rtype: str """ return self._topic @property def producer(self) -> KafkaProducer: """Return the Kafka producer instance. :return: Kafka producer instance. :rtype: kafka.KafkaProducer """ return self._producer @property def serializer(self) -> Callable[..., bytes]: """Return the serializer function. :return: Serializer function. :rtype: callable """ return self._serializer @property def timeout(self) -> Union[float, int]: """Return the default job timeout threshold in seconds. :return: Default job timeout threshold in seconds. :rtype: float | int """ return self._timeout
[docs] def enqueue(self, func: Callable[..., bytes], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Job: """Enqueue a function call or a :doc:`job <job>`. :param func: Function or a :doc:`job <job>` object. Must be serializable and available to :doc:`workers <worker>`. :type func: callable | :doc:`kq.Job <job>` :param args: Positional arguments for the function. Ignored if **func** is a :doc:`job <job>` object. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for the function. Ignored if **func** is a :doc:`job <job>` object. :return: Enqueued job. :rtype: :doc:`kq.Job <job>` **Example:** .. testcode:: import requests from kafka import KafkaProducer from kq import Job, Queue # Set up a Kafka producer. producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='') # Set up a queue. queue = Queue(topic='topic', producer=producer) # Enqueue a function call. queue.enqueue(requests.get, '') # Enqueue a job object. job = Job(func=requests.get, args=['']) queue.enqueue(job) .. note:: The following rules apply when enqueueing a :doc:`job <job>`: * If ```` is not set, a random one is generated. * If ``Job.timestamp`` is set, it is replaced with current time. * If ``Job.topic`` is set, it is replaced with current topic. * If ``Job.timeout`` is set, its value overrides others. * If ``Job.key`` is set, its value overrides others. * If ``Job.partition`` is set, its value overrides others. """ return self._default_enqueue_spec.enqueue(func, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def using( self, timeout: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, key: Optional[bytes] = None, partition: Optional[int] = None, ) -> EnqueueSpec: """Set enqueue specifications such as timeout, key and partition. :param timeout: Job timeout threshold in seconds. If not set, default timeout (specified during queue initialization) is used instead. :type timeout: int | float :param key: Kafka message key. Jobs with the same keys are sent to the same topic partition and executed sequentially. Applies only if the **partition** parameter is not set, and the producer’s partitioner configuration is left as default. For more details on producers, refer to kafka-python's documentation_. :type key: bytes :param partition: Topic partition the message is sent to. If not set, the producer's partitioner selects the partition. For more details on producers, refer to kafka-python's documentation_. :type partition: int :return: Enqueue specification object which has an ``enqueue`` method with the same signature as :func:`kq.queue.Queue.enqueue`. :rtype: EnqueueSpec **Example:** .. testcode:: import requests from kafka import KafkaProducer from kq import Job, Queue # Set up a Kafka producer. producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='') # Set up a queue. queue = Queue(topic='topic', producer=producer) url = '' # Enqueue a function call in partition 0 with message key 'foo'. queue.using(partition=0, key=b'foo').enqueue(requests.get, url) # Enqueue a function call with a timeout of 10 seconds. queue.using(timeout=10).enqueue(requests.get, url) # Job values are preferred over values set with "using" method. job = Job(func=requests.get, args=[url], timeout=5) queue.using(timeout=10).enqueue(job) # timeout is still 5 .. _documentation: """ return EnqueueSpec( topic=self._topic, producer=self._producer, serializer=self._serializer, logger=self._logger, timeout=timeout or self._timeout, key=key, partition=partition, )